Dental emergencies can happen at any time, and you have to be ready to deal with them as soon as they come up. One of the first things you need to do is make arrangements to see an emergency dentist as soon as you can. If you don’t already have a dental practice you can turn to for this type of situation, don’t worry; the helpful tips below can make finding an emergency dentist when it counts the most that much easier.
Look Up Dentists Who are Nearby
Step one is to do an online search for nearby dental practices that can offer treatment for dental emergencies. You’ll want to specifically look for dentists who can see you on the same day that you call them with an urgent oral health issue. Every second counts, so be sure to only search for practices you can get to within 20 minutes of your current location.
When You Find a Dentist, Look Up Their Credentials
In an emergency situation, it’s important to make sure that you’re entrusting your smile to the right person. When you find a nearby dentist who offers emergency services, check to see if they have a biography on their website. This is a good way to learn more about their qualifications as well as how much experience they have.
See If Your Friends and Loved Ones Have Any Ideas
Some of the people in your life may have had dental emergencies of their own in the past, and as such, they could potentially help point you toward the right practice. Talk to your friends and family to see if they can recommend any trustworthy emergency dentists in your area.
If You Can’t Find a Dentist, Call the Emergency Room
In the event that you’re completely unable to find a dentist who can see you right away, you can get in touch with the nearest emergency room. While they most likely won’t be able to treat the underlying cause of the problem, they may be able to provide some level of pain relief. That way, you can keep your discomfort under control until you’re able to see a dentist to get the kind of care that you truly need.
It never pays to wait too long when a dental emergency strikes. The sooner that you find an emergency dentist, the sooner you can put a stop to your pain and get your oral health back on track.
About the Author
Dr. Charles Parker went to the University of Texas Health Science Center in San Antonio for his dental education. He has been practicing general dentistry in Marshall since 1981, and during that time he has treated all kinds of complex dental issues. If you have a dental emergency, he can make arrangements to see you on the same day that you call our office. To schedule an appointment with Dr. Parker at Marshall Denture Clinic, visit his website or call (903) 935-6351.