You may think it’s harmless to enjoy a cold beer or glass of wine every now and then, but in actuality, consuming alcohol can have many negative effects on your oral and overall health. Not only can drinking be dangerous with regard to driving, but it can impact your liver, brain function, and cause bacteria to grow in your mouth and develop into various diseases. Let a dentist in Marshall explain how this is possible and ways to prevent the development of these oral diseases.
A Dentist in Marshall Says Alcohol Increases Disease-Causing Mouth Bacteria
March 5, 2019
“Can Smoking Damage My Dentures?” A Dentist Answers
February 24, 2019
Right now, the estimate is that about 20% of the world’s population regularly smokes tobacco, which means about 1 billion people light up at least once per day. The negative effects smoking can have on the teeth are well documented, but what if someone has dentures? Today, a dentist answers a very important but rarely asked question, “Can smoking damage my dentures?” (more…)
Is Gum Chewing Bad for My Teeth in Marshall?
February 1, 2019
Here are some fun facts to start your day: this year alone, about 200,000 pounds of chewing gum will be produced. If each piece is chewed for at least 30 minutes, that adds up to about 187 BILLION hours of gum-chewing just in 2019! Needless to say, there is a lot of gum chewing going on around the world, but is this a good thing? Could this common treat be harming your oral health? Today, a dentist addresses a question many have asked, but none have answered: “Is gum chewing bad for my teeth in Marshall?” (more…)
Step-by-Step Denture Repair in Marshall
December 21, 2018
Dentures are designed to be extremely sturdy and stand up to even the strongest chewing forces, but like anything else, they can still become damaged from time to time. This can cause many people to panic, but fear not– getting denture repair in Marshall is a simple process. Whether your denture just has a small crack or has been broken into several pieces, this step-by-step guide will help you get your smile put back together in no time. (more…)
Dentures Reline in Marshall: Everything You Need to Know
December 15, 2018
You’ve had your dentures for years, and they’ve served you well, but now they are starting to become a nuisance. They just don’t fit like they used to, and you find yourself constantly having to adjust them whenever you’re speaking or eating. This is an extremely common issue for denture wearers, and fortunately, there is an easy solution: a reline. What is it? How does it work? Where do you actually get a dentures reline in Marshall? Read on below for a quick and easy guide. (more…)
Problems with Missing Teeth? Dental Implants to the Rescue!
November 11, 2018
You’re seated at the restaurant with your family, and everyone is in a good mood…except you. You’re nervous. The server hands you the menu, and you quickly scan it for items that will be easy to chew. Your missing teeth have really limited your food options, making outings like these much more stressful than they need to be. Compromised chewing is just one of the many problems that can be brought on by missing teeth in addition to trouble speaking and feeling self-conscious about your appearance. Fortunately, there is a solution that can take care of them all at the same time: dental implants in Marshall. Whatever hassles your missing teeth might be causing you right now, read on below to learn how dental implants can make them go and stay away. (more…)
How a Gastrointestinal Disorder Can Affect Your Dental Health
October 14, 2018
If you’re one of the 70 million Americans who suffers from chronic digestive issues, then you probably spend quite a bit of time thinking about your “stomach”…but did you know that these kinds of problems can affect your teeth as well? Surprisingly enough, a gastrointestinal disorder in Marshall can easily cause someone to develop cavities and even oral infections, but thankfully, there are plenty of things you can do to keep your smile protected. (more…)
Everything You Need To Know About Bone Grafting in Marshall
September 24, 2018
After struggling with your missing teeth for years, you’ve finally decided to get them replaced. A little research online reveals that most dentists agree that dental implants are by far the best solution, no matter how many teeth someone might be missing. However, you also read that some patients have to undergo a bone graft before they can get this treatment. Why is this the case? How does the procedure work? Will you need it? Read on below to learn the answers to these questions and more about bone grafting in Marshall. (more…)
What Can Cause Dental Implant Failure in Marshall?
September 1, 2018
After being introduced in the 1980s, dental implants have become the gold standard for tooth replacement around the world. Numerous studies have shown that after 10 years, about 95% are still firmly in place. This is because implants use a small titanium post to replace the root of a tooth, something no other treatment does. However, a small percentage do fail, sometimes in the first few months, or after years of normal use. Why? Here are the top 3 reasons for dental implant failure in Marshall. (more…)
How Does Placing Dental Implants in Marshall Actually Work?
June 22, 2018
Dental implants have quickly become the preferred way dentists around the world replace any number of missing teeth, and that’s because they are the only treatment that restores an entire tooth both above AND below the gum line. Today, we’re going to focus on how placing dental implants in Marshall actually works so you can better understand the process and how it can rebuild your smile. (more…)