You love the idea of getting dental implants, but maybe you’re nervous about the road ahead of you. That feeling is totally natural! The idea of having a small metal post inserted into your bone can be intimidating. But don’t worry. The process is easier than most people anticipate. Let’s take a moment to talk about what you can expect regarding the process and recovery time with the dental implant procedure.
What to Expect with Your Dental Implant Procedure
October 29, 2019
New Smile? Learn Which Foods You Can Eat After Having Dental Implant Surgery
October 8, 2019
Dental implants look and feel like natural teeth, which is just one of the many reasons so many patients choose them to replace their missing teeth. Their stability, functionality, and longevity also make them an appealing solution, but do you know what to expect after having them placed? While you might believe you can jump right back into business as usual, there are some precautions you should take to ensure you are healing properly from your procedure. Before you rush to bite into that big, juicy hamburger, learn about which foods to avoid and which foods to eat after dental implant surgery.
Learn Why Implant-Retained Removable Dentures Are Great for Patients with Bone Loss
September 5, 2019
If you’ve experienced serious jawbone loss, it’s likely you’ve been told that traditional dental implants are not possible. The reason is that strong bone is required in order for your implants to be surgically placed onto a solid foundation. When this area is weak or deteriorated, it can cause implant failure. Fortunately, there is another solution to restore hope and smiles in patients with significant bone loss – implant removable dentures in Marshall. Learn more about this unique treatment and how it can help you.
5 Things to Know About Life with Implant Dentures
August 18, 2019
After dealing with broken dentures one too many times, you’ll probably want to start exploring other options. You may have heard of implant-retained dentures in Marshall that’ll offer better stability and chewing power than traditional dentures. But what is it actually like to get false teeth supported by implant posts? Here are 5 things you’ll need to know about life with your new smile.
Don’t Let an Infection in Your Implant Dentures Go Untreated!
August 12, 2019
If you get implant dentures in Marshall, you’ll quickly get used to being able to chew, smile and talk without fear of your false teeth slipping. However, despite the high success rate of dental implants, they’re not risk-free. If an infection develops around the implant posts, you could be in for a lot of pain – and you may even lose your new smile altogether.
6 Tips for Enjoying Meals with New Dentures
August 2, 2019
Losing an entire arch of teeth can be frightening; suddenly, chewing all of the foods you love will start to seem like an impossible task. Getting dentures will let you solve this problem, but it may take some time before you’re fully comfortable using your false teeth. Here are 6 tips for eating with dentures in Marshall that will help make the adjustment process much easier.
What You Should Do If Your Implant-Retained Dentures in Marshall Get Infected
July 5, 2019
You’re moving along through life with a new and improved smile. Thanks to implant-retained dentures in Marshall, you can feel confident about the way you eat, chew, smile, and talk, but suddenly, you begin to notice a pain in your mouth. Unsure of the cause, you make an appointment with your dentist who discloses you have an infection. This type of news can be disheartening, but depending on the severity of the problem, your dentist may be able to save it and prevent the infection from spreading. Should you find yourself in this type of situation, here are a few reasons why an implant can become infected and what you should do if it occurs.
Why Your Dentist Celebrates Men’s Health Month in Marshall
June 26, 2019
June is Men’s Health Month in Marshall; it’s a time for boys and men to become more aware of preventable health problems and learn the importance of detecting potential health issues early. Your mouth is one area where preventive care is particularly key. Whether you’re a man or simply have one in your life, here’s what you need to know about why those biannual dental visits are so important.
Learn if Salivary Gland Cancer in Marshall Can Be Cured with Early Detection
May 3, 2019
Oftentimes, people seem to forget that the mouth and all its parts can be susceptible to cancer. The lips, tongue, and throat are just a few places cancer can occur. But did you know that salivary gland cancer in Marshall is also a possibility? It might not be the first place you’d think of when considering all the different types of cancer, but it’s just one more reason your dentist strongly encourages you to keep your regularly scheduled appointments. Why? Because he can perform an oral cancer screening. Find out more about salivary gland cancer and why your dentist plays such a pivotal role.
Are You at Risk? Learn About Oral Cancer Risk Factors in Marshall
April 7, 2019
Do you wonder if the amount of alcohol you consume might be harming more than just your liver? What about the hours you spend by the pool soaking up the sun? Do you worry about the possibility of developing skin cancer? While these bad habits can certainly affect other areas of your body, they’re also considered oral cancer risk factors in Marshall. Some of the same risky behavior we practice can be linked to more than one type of cancer or disease, which is why it’s important to have oral cancer screenings performed by your dentist. Since April is Oral Cancer Awareness Month, we encourage you to read on to find out if you might be at risk for developing this disease.